Program Tuition and Fees

Any additional or unforeseen costs are the responsibility of the intern (i.e., CPR). Interns enrolled in a graduate degree program will have additional expenses.

DICAS applicants: Once accepted to the program, the intern has seven days to pay a deposit of $250. Program tution is due in two installments- more information after acceptance to the program.

For more information about the University of Alabama graduate program tuition fees, see the Master of Science in Human Nutrition webpage.


DDIP provides financial aid to preselected applicants through the Diversify Dietetics Internship Program Preselect Applicant Scholarship fund. There are other scholarships available to interns, some of which are listed on the Diversify Dietetics website and through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation.

Financial Aid

DDIP does not do not qualify for federal financial aid, so tuition for DDIP is not a “qualified educational expense”. This means the program cannot provide 1098-T forms and does not qualify for federal financial aid. Interns who are enrolled in a graduate  program while completing the internship may qualify for federal financial aid for their graduate school tuition only. 

Interns may request a deferral for previously acquired student loans, which is accepted by some, but not all, lenders. Dietetic internships do not qualify for federal financial aid unless they are part of a degree-granting program, so tuition for DDIP is not a “qualified educational expense”. This means the program cannot provide 1098-T forms and does not qualify for federal financial aid. Interns who are enrolled in a graduate  program while completing the internship may qualify for federal financial aid for their graduate school tuition only. More information about financial aid for the University of Alabama’s Master of Science in Nutrition program can be found on the program website.

Interns may request a deferral for previously acquired student loans, which is accepted by some, but not all, lenders. More information about this is provided to interns upon their acceptance to the program.